Prayer for sacred grove hill in Estonia, 2008/11/08

November 6, 2008 § Leave a comment

Announcement of Maavalla Koda, the organization of traditional nature religion of Estonia:

There will be a common prayer on Palukyla Sacred Grove Hill on Saturday, November 8th, 2008. We call upon our ancestors and old Estonian gods and share food that has been brought as an oblation. In our prayers we ask Palukyla sacred hill to be protected, as well as all other sacred places, the Earth, our people and all traditional people in the world.

After the judgment of The Supreme Court Of Estonia on 2008/09/25 there is a real danger that a ski resort will be built on the Palukyla Sacred Grove Hill. At the same time many other sacred places in Estonia are being destroyed, because they are not yet publicly known – the government has not yet made it a priority to map and protect all the natural sacred places.

We ask you to join our prayers if you feel that you care about the Earth, your ancestors’ legacy and the future of mankind.

The prayer takes place approximately at 11 AM EET (GMT+2 time zone). All good thoughts and prayers are welcome!!!
Palukyla grove hill on pictures (2003) »

Maavalla Koda webpage »
This announcement on the Internet »

Please pass this on to people who care. Thank you for being with us :)

Maavalla Koda

Paluküla hiiemägi

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